Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas....we love and miss you all! 12/24/2007
The Albalate Atencio Clan

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Go Gabey!

we had our first real snow storm the last two days! We got about 6 inches and while it is pretty, it is also VERY COLD! We made a gingerbread house....... the way God intended us to....straight from a kit from Costco. God bless Costco! Gabe has a new trick where he gets his chair to bounce him. Check it out. Jake had to put in his two cents too.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

But wait......there is more!

The Dynamic Duo!
Gabe can suck his toes!

Sophie's new smile...she got her two front teeth!

Getting ready for Christmas! AKA The Twins get their ornaments!


Gabe's first Ornament! YEAH GABE!

Friday, November 16, 2007

We LOVE our family!

Much needed photo update

Halloween at Boo in the Zoo with Ercilia. Sophia is suppossed to be "The Corpse Bride" which she designed herself.

Gabe at the boo in the zoo

Kian on "the hog" in Moab

This was the highlight of his trip.

Thhis and hanging out with "the

boys at the firepit. And lets not forget


All of us....we had so much fun!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Hi everyone! Things are pretty good around here The weather is beautiful and we are enjoying the last days of Fall before Winter comes. YUCK! Sophia is going to be a "Corpse Bride" for Halloween and Kian wants to be Batman He tried on his costume and Juan and I had flash backs to Jake at 5 years old. Remember when he wore that Batman outfit ALL the time with his cowboy boots? Kian is not doing so well in school. His teacher is not sure he is ready for Kindergarten. We are going to try him there for two more weeks an if he does not do well, he will start again next year. Westminster offered me a Fellowship so I can complete my Masters! YEAH! I am so excited to go back to school. Juan is doing REALLY well in the ER. He is a Master IV start now and he is getting called to other units in the hospital to start IV's. He is really enjoying his work and he is really good at it. Gabe is getting so big already and he is much more vocal now. We love and miss you all. See you in the Spring!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Welcome home Jake!

Look at Gabe's big smile! Jacob is home and we are so excited to have him. He looks really good and happy. Thanks to Nana and Poppa for taking such good care of him!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hi Family! Just a quick update on ow things are going:

Juan started his new job and he is doing great! He LOVES the ER!

Gabe weighs 13 pounds as of Wed! He is sooooo cute!

Jacob comes home next weekend! YEAH We miss him!

I started my Legal Nurse Consulting stuff and I got my first case from the Colorado State board of Nursing. I am soooooo excited!

Kian made friends with the little boys down the street. " Boys in the Hood, Preschool addition". I heard one of them say " I am going to borrow your bike but I won't scratch it." They are like little shrunken down gangstas. Kian is very enamored. We are a little worried.

Sophie is reading full fledged now. She is really enjoying her books.

Mini is still trying to figure out why Gabe gets to breast feed and he does not.

We love you all!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Gabriel is going through a "BOOB" phase. He only wants mom and he wants to be held ALL the time! He nurses constantly and is getting really big. He is into 3-6 mos outfits. He did not even get to wear many of his 0-3 outfits. He goes next Friday for his vaccines.......Dad has to take him!

Juan started his new job and he is so excited to be doing what he loves. Kian has had a bit of trouble in school because he is an Atencio. Sophie has had NO problems in school because she is an Albalate. Jacob wants to come home now and I am so happy! I really miss him!

Monday, September 3, 2007

She's really let herself go......

Take a close look......this is a female camel with her humps sagging to the side! We took the kids to the zoo today for Gabe's first visit. He was less than impressed. Juan saw this camel and decided she was the only married camel in the bunch. She just did not care anymore! Every time she stood up her humps nearly pulled her back down again!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Our deep dark family secret revealed............

I actually had twins! One was just so funny looking that we are passing him off as the dog. He THINKS he is my other baby anyway.......He can't get any closer to Gabe than he is without actually breastfeeding too!

Kian and Sophie started school and Kian has already gotten into a bit of trouble. Though he says he does not want to talk about it. It must be too painful. Ahhhh, his illustrious career begins.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

She must know Kung Fu........

I took Kian to get Chinese food at the food court a while ago and the lady behind the counter was an older Chinese lady. Kian saw her and said ( not quietly I might add) "Hey Mom, she knows Kung FU." When I shhhhhh'd him he said ( Even Louder) " No I am serious Mom. Look at her face. She HAS to know Kung FU." Then he starts saying to the Lady " Do some Kung Fu." The lady gave me a REALLY nasty look. I am surprised she did not spit in our food. Goal for Kian: Work on Political Correctness!
Gabe smiled at his Momma for the first time! YEAH! He LOVES his sister and the dog continues to love him.......

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mr. Serious

Look at Mr. Serious.... he is very deadpan and wants to watch everything. Mini thinks his toes are snacks......

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ghetto Star Wars!

Kian and Sophie are playing LEGO STARWARS on Jake's old X-Box 360. I was listening to Sophie tell Kian that she is " Princess LoLa" and he is "Bubba Fat". This must be the Ghetto version of Star Wars. Juan had his surgery on his booty and he is grumpy. Rightfully so...... he is in pain. I told him he is on the donor list for a new a*!hole! Teehee!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Look at my Beautiful Boy

Gabe is getting bigger every day. He is a very sweet baby. Kian and Sophie start school in a couple of weeks. This summer has gone by so fast.
Monday Juan is having surgery. He would rather I NOT say WHY he is having surgery but, lets just say he will be " sitting pretty" for awhile. Poor Juan. He was hoping to start working at TMCA's ED and now we are not sure how soon that will happen. He is really taking it with a good sense of humor though. We love you all!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Gabe weighs in.... hint, he is now a heavy weight

Gabe went to see Dr. Lichfield and he does indeed have an umbilical hernia. Fortunately, Dr. Quinn says they usually go away by themselves and we do not need to do anything but watch it. In the mean time Gabe has only been pooping once every couple of days and it is usually a BLOW OUT! If you are squeamish, don't look at our pics! He also weighs in at a big 9 lbs 4 oz!!! Yikes! He is still making goat noises, though some of them sound like dolphin talk! We are considereing putting it on U-Tube.

Kian is still VERY bored without his sister but we are going to get her on Saturday. We miss both Jake and Sophie very much. We have definitely figured out how much Jake helps us and Sophie keeps Kian in line. School is ight around the corner and Kian starts kindergarten! Watch out world!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Sorry Tiger now

Poor Gabe......his outey is actually an umbilical hernia. He goes to see Dr. Lichfield tomorrow so we can see what he thinks. When he cries, it REALLY pops out.
Mommy started work this week and it went pretty well. Daddy is doing really well with Gabe. They are buddies! Gabe still stinks but he is so darn cute! look at his new tiger outfit......

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mini the Hater

This morning I heard Kian say to Mini Vinnie " Don't you look at me like that. I don't care if you hate me or not" When I asked Kian to show me the face Mini gave him, this is what he did. I had no idea Mini could give such dirty looks! He is obviously a hater!

Look at how big Gabe is getting. He is the GASSIEST baby ever. And he STINKS! I had no idea a newborn could smell like rotten eggs!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

ARRRGHHHH... It's the sea life for Kian and Gabe!

Aye Aye Matey! Yesterday was Juan's birthday! Daddy is 32! Teehee..... he is getting old too! We went to see Harry Potter and then went to get the book at midnight. It was a late night for all of us. We also took Kian to run through the water at the Westminster Promenade. He is bored with his older siblings at Nanna and Poppa's house and we are trying to keep him occupied. As you can see, Gabe is causing trouble too! Look at that dangerous look in his eye! Wish us all luck ( especially Daddy) as I go back to work on Tuesday! YIKES!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Just thought I woud post pics of all my babies since they seem to be changing every day. I can hardly believe Jake is 14! He is as tall as me and has a DEEP voice! That must mean I am getting OLD! I turned 34 yesterday and Juan will be 32 on the 20th.

About Me

My photo
I am a L&D nurse in the AirForce. I LOVE my job and have been doing OB for 13 years!We have four kids. Jacob 16, Sophia Elena 9, Kian 7, and Gabriel 2. We just got back on Active Duty and we are loving it! Lots of adventures ahead!