Saturday, July 21, 2007

ARRRGHHHH... It's the sea life for Kian and Gabe!

Aye Aye Matey! Yesterday was Juan's birthday! Daddy is 32! Teehee..... he is getting old too! We went to see Harry Potter and then went to get the book at midnight. It was a late night for all of us. We also took Kian to run through the water at the Westminster Promenade. He is bored with his older siblings at Nanna and Poppa's house and we are trying to keep him occupied. As you can see, Gabe is causing trouble too! Look at that dangerous look in his eye! Wish us all luck ( especially Daddy) as I go back to work on Tuesday! YIKES!

1 comment:

sam and katie said...

mmhh gabriel is getting so big and Kian looks like he is having fun but is Gabriel wearing girl clothes!! ha ha. love you

About Me

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I am a L&D nurse in the AirForce. I LOVE my job and have been doing OB for 13 years!We have four kids. Jacob 16, Sophia Elena 9, Kian 7, and Gabriel 2. We just got back on Active Duty and we are loving it! Lots of adventures ahead!