Monday, November 3, 2008

Lots to tell

Gabe got between the dogs in a scuffle and he got nipped on the eye lid. He was fine but the family (not just Mom!) was very stressed! We went for an evening visit to the ER! He is all fine though. See, no hard feelings...he is wearing his doggie outfit!

Dad went as the Golden Buddah! I am not sure he felt very comfortable but it was funny!

He did scare the dogs and Gabe though......

Halloween was fun! Jake was a Wedding Chrasher???

Sophia was a skeleton....kinda.She still had to look good!

Kian was a YELLOW clone trooper. Do you know how long it took to find a YELLOW clone trooper?

Gabe was a monkey. Not a teletubby Poppa!

We went to the Boo in the Zoo again this year. It was so gorgeous out! 77 degrees!

All the kids have to pitch in with the yard work. Gabe does his share of pooper scooping!

Gabe is still mystified by the dishwasher. He can't seem to figure out what is going on in there. Jake is in love with himself and he is not sure why everyone else isn't???? Although he has his own fan club! He is cute huh?


Geno said...

He Looks like a Blond Teletubby to me

Eric said...

dana, i love you too, i wish you lived closer.

About Me

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I am a L&D nurse in the AirForce. I LOVE my job and have been doing OB for 13 years!We have four kids. Jacob 16, Sophia Elena 9, Kian 7, and Gabriel 2. We just got back on Active Duty and we are loving it! Lots of adventures ahead!