Friday, November 21, 2008

All my little people

Gabe want to get in the picture action... Look at all his teeth!
Scarlett is old and cranky but she has been a good friend

Abby is such a sweet heart! She puts up with so much from the kids.

Kian does not want to get his picture taken. He is drawing "James Bond"

Who do you think is cuter? Sophie with her "brother" Mini

It drives jacob crazy when Gabe tries to "play" on the computer with him!

Gabe has this weird new face he does at Jacob. He loves his big brother soooo much!

1 comment:

ann c said...

EXCUSE ME!! Who are all those older kids in these pictures?? Didn't Kian just get home from TCH after his care for TTN??? He cannot be 6!! And Gabe, Jake and Sophia are gorgeous, thanks for sending these!! We need to get together please.

About Me

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I am a L&D nurse in the AirForce. I LOVE my job and have been doing OB for 13 years!We have four kids. Jacob 16, Sophia Elena 9, Kian 7, and Gabriel 2. We just got back on Active Duty and we are loving it! Lots of adventures ahead!