Saturday, August 2, 2008

We are all settled!

Just a quick note to let everyone know we are settled into our new house. it is beautiful, has more room and we are "familiar" with the neighborhood! It is right across the street from our old house which is weird. Ercilia has come to visit and gone home. The kids really enjoyed seeing her. Jake is home and doing well. And all the kids, except Gabe of course, start school in two weeks. We love you all!

1 comment:

sam and katie said...

update I need to see more pictures of the kids.

About Me

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I am a L&D nurse in the AirForce. I LOVE my job and have been doing OB for 13 years!We have four kids. Jacob 16, Sophia Elena 9, Kian 7, and Gabriel 2. We just got back on Active Duty and we are loving it! Lots of adventures ahead!