Sunday, August 26, 2007

She must know Kung Fu........

I took Kian to get Chinese food at the food court a while ago and the lady behind the counter was an older Chinese lady. Kian saw her and said ( not quietly I might add) "Hey Mom, she knows Kung FU." When I shhhhhh'd him he said ( Even Louder) " No I am serious Mom. Look at her face. She HAS to know Kung FU." Then he starts saying to the Lady " Do some Kung Fu." The lady gave me a REALLY nasty look. I am surprised she did not spit in our food. Goal for Kian: Work on Political Correctness!
Gabe smiled at his Momma for the first time! YEAH! He LOVES his sister and the dog continues to love him.......

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mr. Serious

Look at Mr. Serious.... he is very deadpan and wants to watch everything. Mini thinks his toes are snacks......

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ghetto Star Wars!

Kian and Sophie are playing LEGO STARWARS on Jake's old X-Box 360. I was listening to Sophie tell Kian that she is " Princess LoLa" and he is "Bubba Fat". This must be the Ghetto version of Star Wars. Juan had his surgery on his booty and he is grumpy. Rightfully so...... he is in pain. I told him he is on the donor list for a new a*!hole! Teehee!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Look at my Beautiful Boy

Gabe is getting bigger every day. He is a very sweet baby. Kian and Sophie start school in a couple of weeks. This summer has gone by so fast.
Monday Juan is having surgery. He would rather I NOT say WHY he is having surgery but, lets just say he will be " sitting pretty" for awhile. Poor Juan. He was hoping to start working at TMCA's ED and now we are not sure how soon that will happen. He is really taking it with a good sense of humor though. We love you all!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Gabe weighs in.... hint, he is now a heavy weight

Gabe went to see Dr. Lichfield and he does indeed have an umbilical hernia. Fortunately, Dr. Quinn says they usually go away by themselves and we do not need to do anything but watch it. In the mean time Gabe has only been pooping once every couple of days and it is usually a BLOW OUT! If you are squeamish, don't look at our pics! He also weighs in at a big 9 lbs 4 oz!!! Yikes! He is still making goat noises, though some of them sound like dolphin talk! We are considereing putting it on U-Tube.

Kian is still VERY bored without his sister but we are going to get her on Saturday. We miss both Jake and Sophie very much. We have definitely figured out how much Jake helps us and Sophie keeps Kian in line. School is ight around the corner and Kian starts kindergarten! Watch out world!

About Me

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I am a L&D nurse in the AirForce. I LOVE my job and have been doing OB for 13 years!We have four kids. Jacob 16, Sophia Elena 9, Kian 7, and Gabriel 2. We just got back on Active Duty and we are loving it! Lots of adventures ahead!