Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gabe has a bad hair day!

Juan won't let me cut Gabe's hair until he is two! So, we tried some gel today! YIKES! Check out that fro!Do I looke shocked???? I am! He has crazy hair!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gabe suffers through a visit from Eli

Aunt Katie and Eli came to visit this last weekend. We had a great time seeing them and playing. It was a shocker for Gabe because he is used to people being gentle and sweet with him. He IS the baby of four and he gets pretty much whatever he wants. Eli was lots of fun and reminds me very much of Jake at that age. Gabe looks like he suffered through a UFC fight though. Everytime Eli and Katie would get in the car with us Gabe would look over and start crying! He kept hoping we were going to be leaving them somewhere else! It was good for him to have someone his own age to play with since he has never even been to daycare once! And he picked up on quite a few of Eli's vocab and such.... he know howls like a dog and then kicks our dogs! :( THANKS ELI! And happy 2nd birthday! We love you! (p.s. we tried to get a pic of Eli and gabe together but they were constantly in motion and the pics came out fuzzy!)

About Me

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I am a L&D nurse in the AirForce. I LOVE my job and have been doing OB for 13 years!We have four kids. Jacob 16, Sophia Elena 9, Kian 7, and Gabriel 2. We just got back on Active Duty and we are loving it! Lots of adventures ahead!