Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gabe recovers.....finally!

Gabe is FINALLY all better. He was diagnosed with RSV on the 4th of Feb. and he is now at 100%. It was really hard to see my normally happy, content baby, crying all the time. It was also really upsetting and frustrating to work with our insurance company to fight for what our baby needed. It is really hard for both Juan and I to see services given so easily to people with medicaid. We pay over $300 a month for insurance and we have to struggle to get what we need from the system!But we are just happy that our baby is finally happy and healthy. It definitely puts things in to perspective!
Our other babies are all doing very well. I have a feeling that Kian will have to redo kindergarten as well. His teachers feel he is a bit immature right now. He is already understanding letters and numbers and he will be reading in no time. But, he cannot handle having to be quite or following directions. It is a rare day that he comes home WITHOUT some discipline form! Sophie is an angel and she has no problems in school. She is having problems with math and understanding time and money. (Welcome to my world!) Jacob is Jacob. He excels in school when he chooses to. Or right before the end of the semester. He is so handsome and he is a really FUN kid. I am so happy that he is such an easy teenager so far. Maybe we paid our dues early with him. Juan is doing well. His iritis has flared up again and it has hindered his vision. But he is dealing pretty well with it. He loves his job and his job loves him!
Our lease is up at the ed of May here and we are very nrevous. We want to go back to Utah to be close to all the people we love. The job market out there is not the greatest for what we do. It will be pretty painful to take a $10/hr hit in pay. We will see what happens. Our job search will start in earnest in April. We love you all!

About Me

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I am a L&D nurse in the AirForce. I LOVE my job and have been doing OB for 13 years!We have four kids. Jacob 16, Sophia Elena 9, Kian 7, and Gabriel 2. We just got back on Active Duty and we are loving it! Lots of adventures ahead!